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Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy bikes and wine what else do you need more shirt

Yes I do. All the time. Either paying for it through taxes or at the time of exacting said right to someone else’s labor.I also don’t Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy bikes and wine what else do you need more shirt have control over it. For example, I have a house and have to pay taxes so that schools in the area are funded. I don’t have children and don’t need the use of a school. However, schools are helpful to society, so I pay for it. I’ve never needed to call the fire department, but I pay for that too.I don’t need these services but someone else in society does, so I pay for them. Gladly.Having an affordable roof over your head is a right, not a privilege. Shelter is a necessity. It’s easy for you to tell others who don’t have it that they don’t deserve it. But they do, and everyone should have access to affordable or free housing, food, water, education, and medical treatment.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy bikes and wine what else do you need more shirt

SOURCE: Father's day

