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I see trees of green red roses too I see them bloom wonderful world shirt

 They dont understand why coming up I see trees of green red roses too I see them bloom wonderful world shirtwith 20k at the drop of a hat is not something you can do. Why you just dont take a job you like. It must be a nice reality for some of it but on the other side they constantly fear people are just using them for their money.Among other reasons. It truly seems to me like there is half the population who want everyone to be equal and another half who want to rule. So, if they are told they are in charge, they are okay with their authoritarian leader even if it equates to zero real world benefit and actually costs real progress.In my entirely anecdotal experience, this is spot on. I earned about $75K during my last couple of years of medical training and that really felt like the sweet spot. It was enough to live comfortably, take a couple of fun vacations every year, and save a little for retirement.

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