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Vikings Team Minnesota Vikings Football Shirt

It's fun watching C suite and upper management negotiate their high salaries, while coming to us in HR and asking why we can't find employees on Vikings Team Minnesota Vikings Football Shirt sub shit wages.My favourite part is that the company just put out a compensation increase memo for the upcoming 2020 year to prepare managers for how to give raises to people based on their 1-5 scale performance. To get a 5% raise, your performance has to be atleast a 4.25 average.They also said try not to give out any 5's, since nobody is perfect and everyone can improve. So that means if nobody gets a 5, then you literally can't get above an average of 4 on your score. Even if you get one or two 5's, all the 3's and 4's you might get will drag it well below a a 4.25 score.

BUY THIS SHIRT: Vikings Team Minnesota Vikings Football Shirt 

SOURCE; Rugby club t-shirts

