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NFL Dallas Cowboys Star Logo shirt

For example, if his compensation package gives him NFL Dallas Cowboys Star Logo shirt the option to buy stock at $50 per share, and he buys 1MM shares, and the stock goes up to $150, then he would make $100MM buy selling it.Realistically, the option was negotiated back when Tesla stock was very low. It IPO'd at $17 per share, so his options were likely FAR lower price. Unless his contract changes, then he can still buy stock at the same price as when he negotiated that option. If it was $5 and he is allowed to buy up to 2MM shares per year and sell after one year, then he would make a ton of money from those stocks because the current price is over $200 per share.

BUY THIS SHIRT: NFL Dallas Cowboys Star Logo shirt 

SOURCEBasketball club t-shirts

