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Baby Yoda Hug Buffalo Bills shirt sweater

My mother owns 12 small rental in the suburbs of Chicago (they are small apts in various buildings around her house). Her income is generally 30-60k per year depending on how much maintenance costs. I wouldn't say she works more than say 4 hours a day dealing with them... often times there are weeks where there is nothing, but then during moving season she works herself to the bone, Baby Yoda Hug Buffalo Bills shirt sweater  cleaning and painting.I am a big fan of AOC and most progressive policies, but my mom has been working hard, sweating and risking to build up her little empire, its taken 30 years to get these units and she's still lives a very frugal lifestyle.I think a lot of renters think their landlords take the entirety of their rent check as profit. The reality is the rent covers mortgage and maintenance. They might see a few hundred bucks profit at the end of the month but a year of that profit can get eaten up by one broken appliance or any of 100 things that can go wrong.

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SOURCE: Happy new year shirt

