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For Life Los Angeles Rams Football Logo shirt sweater

so that sign I believe says if the seats are full and an elderly/disabled person gets on the bus give them your seat. There aren't handicap seats in a bus, at least not the ones in my state.Of course with wheelchairs the seats fold up to make room, but this lady be tripping as there is that empty seat right there. And is this chick saying she'd elderly? She don't fucking look elderly wtf?I actually know her. She lives down the street from me.  For Life Los Angeles Rams Football Logo shirt sweaterHer husband and kids are nice, and always say hello when they see me, but she's never acknowledged my existence. So this has an extra layer of funny for me.If the kids would have got up and said, "Oh ma'am, why don't you have my seats? I see that you're elderly." she would have cried about that too.Came here for the blonde staring right at the camera with her "ok boomer" face and stayed for the brunette on the far right with her "wth is your problem" face.

BUY THIS SHIRT: For Life Los Angeles Rams Football Logo shirt sweater

SOURCE: Happy new year shirt
