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Entries from 2019-11-19 to 1 day

Chicago Cubs Grinch Santa Sitting St.Louis Cardinals Chicago White Sox Milwaukee Brewers shirt

"I love animals and care about their welfare! What do you mean keeping them in abhorrent conditions before slaughtering them and eating their carcasses is bad for their welfare? But that would require me to do something and change my habit…

Pittsburgh Steelers Grinch Santa Sitting Baltimore Ravens Toilet Cleveland Browns Cincinnati Bengals shirt

That’s exactly what it is, but big corporate farms might say that they’ve been crowding chickens together for decades and so the law says it’s still ok, but it actually leaves open arguments for saying the practice is cruelty.This year, my…

New Orleans Saints All Time Greats Players Signatures Shirt

The H.M.S. Born Two and a Half Months Early Back n the Relatively Medically Inferior Year of 1979, When They Put Premature Babies in a Literal Oven to Finish Cooking, Which Makes Me Wonder How I Would Have Likely Developed Superiorly Both …

All Men Are Created Equal But The Best Can Still Go Running in their Sixties Colorful Shirt

You told her you hate her because you love her so much you wanted to be with her. That's what she took from what you said. I'm a mom of kids around that age, and that is exactly what I would have thought. And I'd feel guilty I didn't bring…

I Suffer From OCBD Obsessive Compulsive Bowling Disorder shirt

My favorite Seth Meyers joke is about Chris Brown. "You know it's bad when the fact that you have a neck tattoo is the second worst thing about your neck tattoo."Edit: Okay, folks, thanks for the upvotes. Not my personal biggest regret eve…